Granda Aspirant Project uses a unique 10 phase “Boot Camp” to bridge that gap between where people are today and who they aspire to become by coaching them to understand their God given potential as it relates to their purpose in life.
There is an enormous GAP between where you are today, what you aspire to become and who you were born to be. Paul Granda and his “Boot Camp” is exactly that bridge for you to cross into understanding your full potential. If you aim at nothing you will be sure to hit something! Maybe you are unemployed and aimlessly job hunting or in college and have no idea what major to target. Perhaps being stuck in a dead-end job with no sense of direction has left you feeling like you have missed the “mark” in life. Have you succeeded in your career, but still longing for a sense of purpose in what you do? Then maybe it’s time to recalibrate your position. We all must work, but how many of us are working to live rather than living to work. You are never too young or too old to discover who you are and understanding your potential is the correct aim to living your life with purpose on purpose.
Bulls Eye!

A Brief Biography of Paul Granda
What man in his right mind joins the United States Army at age 40 in pursuit of a career in Special Forces or rides his bicycle across the United States in 27 days from San Diego, California to Jacksonville, Florida and in a single day climbed to the peak of Mount Whitney (14,505 feet) the tallest mountain in the continental United States? Paul does, because of his tenacious drive to seek God and believe that all things are possible he pursues life by stepping out in faith and taking calculated risk. With a bachelor’s degree in Ministry, an appetite for Theology and a patriotic fervor, everything Paul does revolves around his love for God, country, and people. Paul Granda is a resilient man of God, a Warrior Diplomat, a venturer, coach, writer and a public speaker whose exploits and efforts to fulfill his mission in life has inspired many to believe in their own dormant desires to live a life with purpose and passion.

The Constant Push
We get up, we go to work, we go home, we go to bed then we get up and we do it all over again day after day, week after week, month to month, year in year out. From the age 16 to 26 that was the monotonous cycle of my life with dead end jobs, shattered dreams, and one disappointment after another-that constant push! What’s the purpose behind this daily grind and why do we do it? Is it because we love the struggle? Of course not. We do it because it must be done. We work because we must provide shelter, pay bills. buy food, and take care of loved ones; consequently, we work to live. Throughout this entire period of my life another thing remaining constant was that nagging seed of potential buried deep within my soul waiting to be nurtured.
The Entertainment Years

A New Perspective
If you aim at nothing you will be sure to hit something! That’s exactly what happened to me because, I was like a pinball stuck in the game of life bouncing back and forth from one opportunity to the next without any coordinated focus. Then as if some twisted sense of fate, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time and found myself in the Entertainment business for the wrong reasons. Even with all the excitement and a small amount of local notoriety, I felt empty and alone without any sense of purpose, passion, or direction. I had hit bottom! I was burnt out on life and tired of putting on a show. I needed something real because, I was lost in a maze endlessly bumping into myself in the mirror clueless of who I am or where I was headed. What I really needed was the performance of a lifetime. That performance began when I started to self-reflect asking myself two questions: who am I and what is the purpose of my life? This led me to an Al-Anon or ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) meeting where I met man who made lots of sense and whose higher power was God. He became my sponsor and later invited me to Christians In Commerce an ecumenical group of Christian businessman who loved God and strived to make Godly principles apart of their business lives. I needed a new perspective on life and found that in my new relationship with Jesus Christ. That seed of potential had just been cultivated.

Understanding My Potential
The placard on the office door read, “Granda Greetings” and this was my second entrepreneurial quest after walking away from the entertainment business. The 110 square foot office at the San Jose International Airport was more of my home than a place of business. I was 26 years old and I had lost everything, my job, my car, and a place to live. All I had left was a bible, a bicycle, a pager, a pay phone, and 1000 copies of a poster titled; “To The dreamer.” That inspirational poster was my only product written during one of the most gut-wrenching disappointing times in my life. Later after being rejected by a major motivational poster distributor and with only two accounts in San Fransisco selling an average of three posters a month Granda Greetings failed as quickly as it began. I wasn’t discouraged because, I still had my faith and belief that all things are possible. Then I had a bright idea of how I could make a lot of money! Please do not ever make a decision based solely on money or you may find yourself in the Bering Sea of Alaska on fishing boat sicker than dog, catching nothing but devilish looks from modern day pirates because you’re not moving fast enough! The only thing I earned on that ship was the free education that taught me, I am definitely not a fisherman. “Alaska Warrior” was the name of the ship and while standing on the dock fixated on the word “Warrior” something converged in my heart as that vessel drifted off to sea again without me. I had spent my last $800 to get to Alaska and ended up dead broke again. During these 13 years of my life, I would often find myself competing in 10k Mud Run competitions on military bases in the Boots and Utility gear division. I was one of the rare civilians running in the front of the pack with some Marines, a few Army Rangers, and the occasional Navy Seal. Any opportunity, I got to be on a military base whether it was an airshow, mud run, or a community event open to the public you could find me there. It was there amongst other competitive and patriotic individuals that just felt like the right place for me. September 11th 2001 (911) was the day the Twin Towers fell in New York after a terrorist attack. It also was the day, I started Stone Soldiers my own natural stone restoration business. For six years, I successfully owned and operated this small business, but something was still missing in my life. Boots and cargo pants were my uniform for work and to compete in mud runs while real American soldiers were suiting up for battle in Afghanistan fighting in defense of our freedom. In 2007, it appeared my ship had just come in by means of the Army raising the enlistment age to 42. I had always been passionate, patriotic, and athletic so this was my opportunity to live a life with purpose; therefore, at 39 years of age, I joined the Army National Guard as an Infantryman and later qualified to become a Special Forces Candidate with the 19th Special Forces Group. That seed of potential had just sprung forth!
The War Years

When Success Came Through Disappointment
Now with purpose, passion, and direction, I acquired my target with laser focus – to earn the coveted Green Beret. When preparation meets opportunity, success is inevitable. Everything, I did from this point on was strategic in preparation to become a Special Forces Soldier: I moved to a cabin in the mountains almost 2 hours outside of Los Angeles, California to train at altitudes above 5,000 feet, took a part job working for a former Marine Force Recon soldier as an outdoor adventured training coach, ran dozens of miles each week, and did countless hours of cross-fit. Severely tearing ligaments in my ankle at airborne school set me back almost a year and two unsuccessful attempts at getting selected to continue the Special Forces training set me back even further. The first because of my land navigation performance on the Star Course and the second due to a back injury. In January 2012 after some physical therapy and chiropractic care, I was planning my third attempt to get selected when I got the call from a Commander who I had trained with during my time at the 19th Special Forces Group. He had taken command of Alpha Company with the 426th Civil Affairs Battalion and I was invited as a part of the Special Operations Command to deploy to Afghanistan as a Civil Affairs Specialist (Warrior Diplomat). Falling short of earning my Green Beret was disappointing, but it led to my success as a Civil Affairs soldier. The opportunity was rewarding as I contributed to creating sustainable systems of government, covertly educated the children of Afghanistan, and competing and deterring malign influence throughout Europe while strengthening our NATO alliances. Sometimes our sucess comes through the greatest disappointments in life so long as we continue to plan our lives while trusting that God will direct our steps to fulfill our purpose based on who we were destined to become. Today, I am a Warrior Diplomat still serving within the Army Reserve Civil Affairs Command.
The Best Day of My Life!

The Bodyguard Days

Discovering Who I am - Again
While serving in a combat zone, I remember thinking, “If I get out of here alive, I’m moving to the country.” I moved to Grundy County Tennessee in 2013 after returning from my Tour of Duty in Afghanistan. I left behind a career as an Executive Protection Agent for a Security Firm in Los Angeles, California where I worked as bodyguard for Hollywood celebrities. I was determined to leave Los Angeles, so I was promoted, and the company moved me to Tennessee in order to develop Elk River Training Center as a fully operational outdoor shooting range and training academy. It’s here that I met the head coach for the women’s soccer team at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. After sharing some “mindset” training tactics I’ve used over the years to instruct soldiers on how to increase their endurance level, he asked me if I would come speak to his team. One speech led to another and before I knew it, I was volunteering my time to assist the head coach with his players fitness as it relates to their mindset. Two pivotal things happened that shed light on a new personal discovery: First, after speaking to one of his athletes who prior to learning the tactics that I taught her, she could not pass her soccer fitness test. Yet on this day she passed and was ecstatic! The coach overheard the conversation approached me and said brother you are a coach and a teacher! Lightning bolts went off in my head as I just discovered once again who I am. And if that wasn’t enough the confirmation came later in the college cafeteria when another soccer player ran me down just to introduce me to her friend a Lacrosse athlete. She did not know how to introduce me. She said Paul is our then hesitated then looked at me confused and said, “Paul what are you?” Then she blurted out! Paul, he is our life coach! So, there you have it, I have just discovered once again who God has created me to be at this point in my life. I am a Coach and Teacher! In addition to that I if you ever find yourself in a conversation with me chances are that I will be overcome with zeal and start preaching. Yes, I am a preacher too!